#reboot your Operating system and check if the disk available fdisk -l #create volume group vgcreate VOLUMEGROUPNAME/dev/sdb #create logical volume 100% lvcreate --name NEWVOLUME -l 100%FREE VOLUMEGROUPNAME #check that the volume is created lvdisplay #format the new volume for EXT4 or xfs mkfs.ext4 /dev/VOLUMEGROUPNAME/NEWVOLUME or mkfs.xfs /dev/VOLUMEGROUPNAME/NEWVOLUME #make directory to mount the new volume mkdir /data #mount the new volume mount /dev/VOLUMEGROUPNAME/NEWVOLUME /data #To mount automatically on system boot add the following line in /etc/fstab /dev/VOLUMEGROUPNAME/NEWVOLUME /data xfs defaults 0 0 #reboot after adding this line or run the following command mount -a