# Check for disks availability pvs # after located the new disks added to the virtual machineĀ  # create volume group vgcreate my_new_volume_group /dev/sdb /dev/sdc #to add additional disk to the new_volume_group vgextend my_new_volume_group /dev/sdc #see if all the disks added properly lvmdiskscan # Create Logical volume sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n my_new_logical_volume my_new_volume_group # format the new logical volume with xfs mkfs.xfs /dev/my_new_volume_group/my_new_logical_volume # Create directory and mount the new volume sudo mkdir /mnt/my_new_directory sudo mount /dev/my_new_volume_group/my_new_logical_volume /mnt/my_new_directory # or in fstab to mount on startup blkid #OUTPUT: /dev/mapper/my_new_logical_volume : UUID="79813378-3538-4fc5-a6ba-02ca7034fd58" TYPE="xfs" #edit fstab and add the following line on the end ( replace the UUID with the one you found) UUID=79813378-3538-4fc5-a6ba-02ca7034fd58 /mnt/my_new_directory xfs defaults,noauto 0 2