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Docker Registry installation How To

Go to docker hub and register for new user create a new repository. Check the syntax for uploading :

docker push tracstonlabs/sa:tagname

Browse your repository with your favorite browser

Username: tracstonlab

Password: mysecuredpass


Create file and put all docker images you want to upload to dockerhub in ./images directory the files should be in tar.gz format



cd ./images

docker login “$1″ –username=”$USER”

for file in $FILES


  echo “Processing $file file…”

  orig_name=$(docker load -i $file | awk ‘{print $3}’)

  short_orig_name=`echo “$orig_name” | awk -F\: ‘{print $1}’`

  only_image_name=$(docker load -i $file | awk ‘{print $3}’ | rev | cut -d’/’ -f 1 | rev)

  short_only_image_name=`echo “$only_image_name” | awk -F\: ‘{print $1}’`



  docker tag $orig_name $new_full_name

  docker push $new_full_name

  echo “The new docker image name is: $new_full_name”

  echo “========================================”


To upload Manually run the following commands

docker tag aws-fsx-csi-driver tracstonlab/sa:aws-fsx-csi-driver

docker push tracstonlab/sa:aws-fsx-csi-driver


* Tag should not include latest or version